Dubia are very easy to care for and here are some tips.

1)       You only need to remove food that is uneaten over 24 hours.  If it is moldy remove before that. 

2)      There is no need to keep the colony ultra clean.  They like living in their frass (poo) so you only need to remove it if it gets wet (smell ammonia – which is a sign that you have a husbandry issue) or if it gets too deep (1” and below).  Too deep is really not an issue but they won’t go more than an inch or so deep so no point in keeping it that deep.

3)      Keep the colony in a dark place.  If you are using a glass container, tape cardboard so something else on the sides to help keeps the light out.

4)      Keep the colony around 50% humidity.  Above 70% mold will grow.    

5)      If adult males have dry wings this is a sign of dehydration, increase water.


Not breeding.  Keep them at room temperature will slow their growth keep them at receiving size for longer.  This is great if you want to buy in bulk and you don’t want your dubia to outgrow your pet.


Colony construction 

Egg crates need to be vertical.  This helps the frass get deposited at the bottom of the colony but is also prevents the dubia from piling under something.  Dubia do not like the light and will hide from it.  The bigger the bug the more likely it will die if they pile up on each other.  This is not the case with smaller dubia.  It is better to have more egg flat space than not enough for larger dubia. 


Egg flats need to be vertical


Egg flat horizontal not good for big bugs so don’t do it.


Small nymphs can pile up without issue


Adult dubia.  A little too crowded



6)      There are several ways to heat a colony.  You can use a infrared bulb or an undertake or side heater.  I prefer under tank heater.  A reptile heat mat can be used for this purpose.  Monitory temperature and make sure it stays within the specified range.

7)      Screen the top of the container to provide ventilation without allowing the dubia to get out or other bugs in. 

8)      If nymphs are dead and their skin is crinkly, then they died during molting due to improper humidity.  Increase it.  You can increase it by putting in more water crystals, a wet cloth, moist food, spraying water, etc .  Just make sure you don’t get the frass wet or it will start to smell like ammonia. 

Breeding – keep temperature above 80F and below 90F.  Some people like to run them at higher temperature, and good ventilation.

You can store your dubia in a water closet.  Just check the temperature.  This one stays around 85F all the time and is naturally dark.  This is a great spot for a few breeding colonies.